Vivienne Rose
Some people would have others believing that the most natural of desires were the work of some malevolent force. Lauding their perceived shame over the heads of those who strive beyond the various stigmas and phobias surrounding physical intimacy and relationships. Even when expressed between consenting adults and practiced responsibly, there are those who will find a way to justify their preferential bias through any means necessary. Body shaming, excessive jealousy from insecurities, and fear mongering of lifestyles being primary examples; all of which lend a hand in creating boogeymen and insidious fallacies within the human psyche. Easily forgetting how those who often dawn the guise of perfection may not have someone’s best interest at heart.
However, while some individuals in society are freaking out about everybody else’s lifestyle or exerting control over other people’s preferences, my next interview is with the succinct and provocative Vivienne Rose. Our conversation can be found in the screenshots section of this site:
Also, if you would like to check out some of her projects, Vivienne’s work can be found through her site: