The Bastion serves as an online portfolio and blog for Rudy Alleyne, author of Traversing The Void, Harvest Moon: Lunar Tides and other titles yet to be published. For more information about the author, see the profile section of this website or check out his scrapbook page.

Life is what we make of it


A Brief History

Rudy Alleyne is the author and writer of the fantasy/science-fiction anthology, Traversing The Void (release date TBD), and other upcoming titles. Including, Harvest Moon: Lunar Tides - set in the town of Hallow Bay, a seaside community caught in the midst of a crumbling reality. Where a college freshman named Jeff, home for the summer, meets, Avalon; a carefree young woman he encounters during a planned rendezvous with his girlfriend, Jenna. Who is this Avalon? Why does Jeff feel so drawn to her? Welcome to Hallow Bay: Where the nexus of time and space collide.

Another title in the works is Heart of Fury - a post-apocalyptic tale of unrequited love and an immortal youth's struggle to leave the past behind, by protecting a mysterious young woman who may also be the key to humanity's survival. Suspended in an eternal state of regret, and chased by a being of despicable evil; the young stranger, along with a motley crew of cohorts, race towards the answers. Their only clue? A few journal entries which eerily predicts man's downfall through the experiences of a 15th century, Italian parishioner and his possessed sister.

Rudy was born in December of 1983 and raised in Nassau, Bahamas; where he attended Queen's College Primary and High School. Graduating in 2001 he attended St. Leo University the same year. After receiving his undergraduate degree in Biology, he worked for a few years before returning to school to obtain a degree in Criminology in 2009.